Monday, January 24, 2011

New Season At HP!!!

It's a new year and a new year means a new baseball season at HP. I am really excited to start practice at HP. I am part of the Varsity team. I look forward to this year because we have a new coach and I think that we will learn a lot of new stuff and finish the season with a good record. We might even make playoffs. Hopefully our fans go out and support us at our games. Our season starts in March. Go Spartans!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jose, I really like your post. Congratulations for being on the varsity baseball team this year. Who is your new coach? Remember to always Choose the Right, to Work Hard, Work Smart, and Work Together, and then you will be very successful. Visit me in room 71 sometime. Great success to you in your studies and in this upcoming baseball season. You were an excellent student, and I enjoyed having you in our class.
    Mr. Haymore
